Diabetic foot complications are responsible for over half of the foot amputations in the United States. Because diabetes leads to a host of complications in your feet and ankles, our board-certified foot and ankle specialists provide comprehensive diabetic foot care solutions at Foot & Ankle Institute in Katy and Houston, Texas. Book your diabetic foot care evaluation by calling our offices or request an appointment online.

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Why do I need diabetic foot care?

Diabetic foot care is one of the most critical components of your health care when you have diabetes. The issue with diabetes is that ongoing blood sugar fluctuations damage tissues from your head to your toes. This affects blood circulation so that when an injury does occur, tissues struggle to receive the vital oxygen and nutrients they need to thrive.

Not only can this lead to nerve damage — diabetic neuropathy — poor circulation from diabetes also causes slow-healing wounds. Even a wound that seems insignificant can stay open so long, bacteria, viruses, and fungi can enter and cause a serious foot ulcer. Without proper treatment, a diabetic foot ulcer can lead to an amputation.

Diabetic foot care revolves around preventing these issues as much as possible. You learn how to care for your feet, how to tell if you have a diabetic foot wound, and how to properly trim your nails. Plus, your podiatrist examines your feet regularly, so if you have any concerns, immediate treatment can be administered.

What happens during a diabetic foot care exam?

When you become a patient of Foot & Ankle Institute, our board-certified foot and ankle specialists will spend time getting to know you individually. We gather information about your previous medical history and talk with you about how you’re doing managing your diabetes. During your diabetic foot care exam, our doctors may also:

  • Examine your feet
  • Trim your toenails
  • Treat diabetic wounds
  • Remove corns or calluses
  • Fit you for custom orthotics

Because you’re prone to having overly dry feet when you have diabetes, which can cause cracks and wounds, we can help you select specialized moisturizers you can use at home to help keep your feet healthy. We can even get you fitted for diabetic shoes, which are specially designed to protect your feet and minimize your risk of diabetic wounds as much as possible.

How often do I need to see a podiatrist if I have diabetes?

If you’re generally healthy, don’t have a history of serious diabetic ulcers, and have your diabetes under control, our doctors may recommend annual diabetic foot care exams at Foot & Ankle Institute. However, we may want to evaluate you two to four times per year if you:

  • Have a history of wounds, ingrown toenails, or fungal nails
  • Were recently diagnosed with diabetes
  • Have poorly managed diabetes

Outside of your regularly scheduled visits at Foot & Ankle Institute, it’s important to come in if you have signs of a diabetic foot wound such as drainage in your socks. Our doctors can treat you right away to prevent any further progression of the infection.

If you have diabetes, you can receive personalized diabetic foot care management at Foot & Ankle Institute. Book your diabetic foot care appointment either online or over the phone.